Membership & Dues

Dues stay in Minnesota, working for you! LELS is NOT affiliated with a national organization.

Benefits of membership

  • Right to negotiate wages, benefits, working conditions and job security

  • Able to attend union meetings, participate in contract negotiations and vote on the issues affecting the union

  • Eligible to serve on the LELS Board of Directors or as a local Union Steward

  • Enrolled as a member of the MPPOA

  • Enrolled with the MPPOA Legal Defense Fund (LDF) which provides legal representation in criminal and civil matters which arise in the course and scope of your employment.

  • You have the right to file a grievance to enforce the contract or challenge unfair and unjust discipline.

  • You have the right to the presence of a union representative if you are being questioned regarding an incident which could lead to disciplinary action.

Where do your membership dues go?

LELS Dues: Contract negotiations, interest arbitrations, processing grievances, grievance arbitrations, representation during internal affairs investigations, legal research, compensation for staff members, and other administrative costs. Also included in your dues is MPPOA and Legal Defense Fund membership.

The Legal Defense Fund provides the member with legal representation if you are involved in a critical incident on the job.  A Comparison of Legal Defense Funds clearly outlines the differences in Legal Defense. 

The Minnesota Police and Peace Officers Association (MPPOA) represents the interests of our members by lobbying and advocating for members’ economic, social and professional advancement at the Minnesota State Legislature and in Washington D.C.

Cost of Membership

The 2024 monthly union dues:

If LELS represents your bargaining unit, you are eligible and encouraged to establish your individual LELS membership and join the union.  Please contact your LELS Business Agent, the Steward of your Union Local, the LELS office or you can simply download and complete the LELS membership form, and return it to  If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the LELS office:  (651) 293-4424.

Helpful links and resources:

LELS Membership Form:  Membership Form

Authorization Card (BMS Form used when Petitioning for Exclusive Representation): Authorization Form