PRO-Union and Due Process
1. PODPA/CODPA Revision
2. Brady/Giglio Due Process
3. Dispatcher Training Certification
4. Revise the requirement of the Roster of 6 so it allows them to hear other arbitration cases
5. Allow University of Minnesota PD Lieutenants and Captains to form a Bargaining Unit
Pension and Recruitment & Retention
1. Reemployment Bill
2. Recruitment Bill
3. Increase Retiree COLA to 1.5%
4. Dispatcher Pension to mirror Corrections Pension
Violent Crimes
1. Car Jackings (Include Aggravating Factors)
Injury/Death Benefits
1. Retroactive Application for In-Line of Duty Death Benefits
2. What issues do we need to fix with Injured in the Line of Duty Statute (PTSD/Physical Injuries)